@article{oai:obirin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000442, author = {足立, 匡行 and Adachi, Masayuki}, journal = {紀要. 桜美林英語英米文学研究, Obirin studies in English language and literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {Various forms of English are spoken in different parts of the world and English has become a means of intercultural communication. However, the notion of "English as International Language" (EIL) is not well known in Japan. Due to this lack of knowledge, Japanese university students tend to think that American and British English are the only "correct" forms of English. This paper argues that the aim of English study in Japan should not focus on mastering English like native speakers but rather on learning the language as a means of intercultural communication. To make this possible, more teachers with different cultural backgrounds should be involved in Japan's education, and cultural content of English materials has to be reconsidered., 4, KJ00005432642}, pages = {1--13}, title = {英語教育と文化 : 日本の英語教育における文化の位置づけ}, volume = {48}, year = {2008}, yomi = {アダチ, マサユキ} }