@article{oai:obirin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000411, author = {足立, 匡行 and Adachi, Masayuki}, journal = {紀要. 桜美林英語英米文学研究, Obirin studies in English language and literature}, month = {Mar}, note = {Using Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues as an example, this paper attempts to show how Indian people in contemporary American society are biologically and culturally "mixed" with non-Indians. Despite this hybirdization, Indians have not lost their identities. One important factor that contributes to Indian identity is memories created and handed down from generation to generation through their oral tradition. Those memories (most often very negative ones) continue to exist in the minds of the people. As a result, this connection over time becomes a crucial element to "being an Indian.", 4, KJ00004767254}, pages = {1--12}, title = {文化の十字路 : アレクシー文学『リザベーション・ブルース』に見るインディアン}, volume = {46}, year = {2006}, yomi = {アダチ, マサユキ} }